Visiting Clinician

Dr. Olivia Ly Lesslar MBBS, BIR
Dr Olivia Ly Lesslar is an Australian doctor with expertise in psychoneuroimmunology and complex chronic conditions including neurodegeneration, "mystery illnesses", allergy, and cancer.
Dr Olivia works closely with Australian allergist Professor Pete Smith on complex allergy issues, including atopy - asthma, hayfever and eczema.
She is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer with Griffith University’s National Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases, a world-class research facility focusing on mechanisms of ME/CFS and long covid.
She is the Chief Medical Officer of Atlus - a plant medicine company headquartered in Australia, and she is the Resident Medical Consultant of CFS Health - an online ME/CFS recovery program.
Dr Olivia is affiliated with the UK’s premier longevity and functional medicine clinic Wellgevity where she works collaboratively with Dr Tamsin Lewis, and currently spends about four months a year in Europe.
She is a regular speaker on podcasts and at conferences, and in July 2023 spoke at the Inaugural Smart Ageing Summit at Oxford University.
In November 2022, she took to the TEDx Melbourne stage.
In 2021, Dr Olivia was featured in NYC Journal 50 under 50 for being an industry disruptor and leader in the field of integrative medicine.
Dr Olivia is a Trustee of the British College for Functional Medicine where she is the Research and Industry Lead.
She was recently appointed the Chief Operating Officer and Clinical Director of LMC (London Metabolic Clinic)